Covid-19 Information


The global COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a new level of risk for in-person instruction and in-person gatherings.  Schools are designed to educate students through social, face-to-face interactions, in relatively close spaces and in large groups.

In order to balance the important priorities of health/safety, educational standards, and catechesis, the guidelines within this document will typically guide programs and instruction. These guidelines will remain in effect until health risks from the COVID-19 pandemic are generally acknowledged to have stabilized. The following levels of risk are modeled after the Cole County Health Department guidelines (Miller County and Cole County share the same guidelines and many residents reside in Cole) and will generally follow County assessment. OLOS administration may adjust levels of risk to respond to risk indicators specific to our program. (Click the Link Below)

School Policy

Our Lady of the Snows School is monitoring and adjusting to county guidelines. As of now, OLOS will be requiring face masks for students in grades 4th-8th Click here for DHSS Guidelines. Face masks will be worn in public areas where social distancing is not able to be kept. Recess and classrooms will be exempt from this. Bathrooms, lunchroom (excluding eating or when seated), Mass, and other travel outside of the classroom. Please provide a mask for your child each day, as sizes of masks differ and would like to make sure students are safe and comfortable. The office will have a child-sized mask for any forgotten mask, but after 2 mask handouts, we will charge $1.00 for each additional mask. PPE is hard to find and we do not want to exhaust our resources.

OLOS Facility Use Policy

While School is in Session (Please follow this link)


COVID-19 Opening Plan Last Revised 7-20-20

Updated COVID-19 Plan (Protocol) Updated 9-1-2020

In addition to the plan above;

Our school will be increasing sanitization, and MASKS will now be recommended for ALL students during times of social distancing that cannot be kept.

  1. PSR- will be canceled until Eugene is off of virtual learning plans.
  2. Mask- Starting Monday 11/1/20 all students will wear their masks during times they are unable to social distance.